
The name of the blog comes from the union of the words Ubuntu + Blog, so in this blog you can find all kinds of information about Ubuntu. You'll find programs, tutorials, device information, and much more. How could it be otherwise in a current blog, you will also find the most outstanding news about Ubuntu and Canonical.

And not only that. Although the main topic of this blog is Ubuntu and everything related to this operating system, you will also find news of other Linux distributions, whether they are based on Ubuntu / Debian or not. And in the news section we also publish, among other things, what is to come, interviews with important people in the Linux world or how the Linux kernel development process is going.

If you need to contact us you can do so through the form contact.

In short, in Ubunlog you will find information of all kinds about the entire Linux world, although what will predominate will be the articles about Ubuntu, its official flavors and distributions based on the software developed by Canonical. Below, you can see the sections that we deal with and that our editorial team updated daily.